Second Nature makes a tool for use in media production pipelines, "Atmo O" (Atmosphere), providing
inter and intra document aliasing. Embedded code can edit your text files as they are loaded via double clicked or File->Open.
Implemented as a FUSE FS filesystem underneath applications, so is compatible with every file type such as Pixar USD, .ma, JSON, XML, etc.
Folder | O_Type folder |
Seperate files | Files all concatenated together |
No order | Order of files critical |
Single representation | Both as components 'Folder' and collated into a single 'File' through FS |
Alias only files | Alias in both files & O_Types. Also embed O_Types with composition |
Normal file browser | Browsed using Atmo O FS file system path O:\O_Types\.. or using CLI tool |
Embed folders in folders | Embed O_Types, child’s content appears in top to bottom order |
| Embed executables [Command] |
| Provide a 'Visitor' that executes on each embedded file |
| Contains file “O_Type.xml” to signify its an O_Type |
Atmo O